Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mobility of Light

Nicole Brossard.

This felt like time wasted, perhaps because of the TERRIBLE translations alongside the originals. Atrocious; luckily this wasn't only a book of translations, so I could read the originals. These poems are trying to be very dramatic, wistful, erotic-- and operating on the side of ambiguity that's more 'vagueness' or 'imprecision' than slippery du or + plicity. They feel amateur, and the work says its invested in contemplations of form and artifice, but... it's mostly taking both for granted. I flagged 3 poems that were more interesting:

entre code et code l'espace est illusoire
point de lieu propre à la dénonciation
la terminologie modifie

le code s'infiltre
la moindre tentative finit par rompre

désormais le sens en a deux
un de trop
l'artifice est inévitable

voilà comment

(the code filters in, the slightest attempt ends by breaking [down], from here sense has two, one of many, artifice is inevitable, here's how)

ce sont toujours les mêmes mots
grands objets de paroles
lumière nuit ou silence
les mêmes oiseaux l'après-midi
le bruit de l'automne un autre
paragraphe en deça des mots
quand je respire
la résponse qui fuit

always the same words, great objects of words, light, night or silence, the same birds the afternoon the noise of autumn an other, paragraph on this side of words when I breathe, the response that flees

--interesting, esp. 'le paragraphe en deça des mots/ quand je respire'-- seems to be addressing the wariness of language-- the thingness, the banality, the code we can't escape-- can't signify without, it names our everything-- but the other, more intimate side of words, almost the ineffable side? that holds for a moment, fleeting?

Suggestions le coeur serré

l'idée de se balancer au bout d'un je
aux joies fiévreuses de juillet
ou salivant devant l'obscur
d'un présent rempli de
pourquoi qui ruissellent dans les pensées

alors fais-moi le plaisir
de tracer des mots impossibles à trouer
remonte le cours du temps
entre les dialogues ne vacille pas

une idée absolu
emportée d'un mot d'un coup
par le vent
pose ta question

do me the pleasure of tracing words impossible to perforate, go back through the course of time, between dialogues don't waver
--words impossible to perforate? isn't that our job? to perforate them?

an Absolute idea, brought from a word from a blow from the wind, ask your question

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